So I had to say that last night I ran into a little problem. I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and when I walked to the kitchen to wash my hands I was surprised! There was a slug on the soap dispenser! Luckily I saw it otherwise I would have had slug hands. Well after getting up enough courage to scrape it off and throw it away (mind you this took awhile but luckily Slugs are slow) I managed to open the door to the garbage and it was a sight from a slug horror movie. A slug fell down when I opened the door scaring me half to death. I had no idea where it came from at first and ran away thinking the ceiling was going to collapse and slugs were going to fall on top of me. I had enough and decided to wake Dave out of his slumber for help. When he pulled out the garbage there was another big fat slug sitting in the garbage. Our Slug count is now 3 (small one on the soap dispenser, big one on the floor, and another huge one in the garage). Well ,Dave was not very happy with me waking him up so he put the top on the garbage and said it was fine and walked back to bed. I, of course, knew something more had to be done. I carefully placed the slugs that escaped back in the garbage with the rest of their family and lifted the garbage bag up to tie off and place outside, but to my surprise there was a slew of slugs! There must have been at least 5 other huge slugs all carefully, slowly, and slimly crawling their way up. I quickly tied off the garbage and placed it outside. I felt like I stepped out of a dream. How could there be that many slugs in our house? I have never in my life seen a slug, but now I have seen them all.
Not in a million years would I have thought I would be surrounded by slugs! What a gross and useless bug! I can't even imagine what else can get into our house, I'm just hoping it doesn't get worse!
Well, I envy all of you non slug finders and hope that you will never come across slugs late at night on your soap dispenser and in your garbage! haha. Hopefully there will not be a sequel to this story.
Slug killer,
Hi Dave and Megan, Meant to write sooner to see how things are going for you. After reading your blog, it looks like you're are adjusting great to life in Korea. It looks beautiful there, are you in the mountains?
I have to tell you the same thing I said to Angela, I admire your courage in dealing with a whole new culture so far away from home. Angela told me she was in touch with you, it shamed me that I didn't do it sooner than this.
Angela has been all over France and at the end of October during her school break, Kimberly is going to fly there for the week and they will go to Dublin, Venice, Aix en Provence (where Angela is in school) and then Paris. I know it will mean a lot to have Kim there and I am so glad Kim is finally doing something for herself other than working all the time. I bet you can't wait to see Erin and then your mom and dad next year.
Your dad and I went out for a sister/brother outing, it has been years since we were able to do that and it was so special to me. He is such a great man, brother and friend. He drove me by the old haunts (even the old farm house where we stayed) and then ate at Villa de Carlo. It has been 3 years since I have driven so taking me around like that just means so much to me. I don't get out much yet.
Getting cool here now, how is the weather there? Angela said it was warm there and will be pretty much that way through the winter months so it will be a shock when she comes home in December.
I am going to go, Angela is on the
line and still being new to all this computer stuff I am afraid I might mess this up and lose you so I will just say that you are in my prayers and my heart and enjoy every moment of this adventure!! Love, Aunt Phyllis
Ohh that is gross!! Hahaha..I don't think I could have dealt with all those slugs! Hopefully that was the last of them :) You're pictures of the landscape from the mountains are beautiful!
While reading your blog, I realize we are going through a lot of the same things, however, yours is on another level! Adjusting to the new diet/foods, shopping at markets, difficulty taking showers, difficulty finding bathrooms (well, for me at least..most of them you have to pay!)
It seems like the Won is pretty good compared to the Dollar? The euro is still more expensive than the Dollar..but it is going down thankfully. When I left a little over a month ago, the conversion rate was 1.5 USD -> 1 euro. Now, it is about 1.34 USD -> 1 euro, which all the American students here are really happy about :)
Are you guys able to watch any American news/shows or are they mainly in Korean? I have to watch the debates online, which is fine because I need to keep up with what's going on in the world. I'm slowly but surely learning the language much better. If I were staying a year I could probably be fluent. How is your language learning coming along? Well, I wish you guys the best! Have fun!
Lots of love!
Thanks for the thoughtful Blog Aunt Phyllis, it put a smile on my face! Sometimes I can't believe we actually live over here, it blows my mind. Things are going well though. We started having the feeling that our house if our home, which is really comforting. Even though there are some late night bug issues, it is still our home.
Angela I can totally relate to the bathroom/food/shopping issues you have. That's nuts that you have to pay for bathrooms, I'm glad we don't have that. We do have a lot of squatter toilets which I cannot get used to no matter how bad I have to go, haha. The dollar is not so good over here. When we got here 2 months ago it was about a 1:1 ratio (1 dollar to 1,000won). But now it's $1 to 1,400 won which is definitely not good. I'm hoping that since we are living over here for a year it will go back to being a 1:1 ratio, or at least close the gap a little. I hope everything is going well with you. When does Kim come to visit? I can't wait to see pictures!
Megan, I couldn't handle slugs. No. I would scream. I would have screamed everytime I saw a new one. Louder each time. Copper keeps slugs away... I recall from gardening. Love your stories, keep writing them, they entertain me :) YOU both will love reading these later...when you actually wish you were back in Korea trying new foods, seeing the beautiful mountains and even say "hey, i miss those slugs."
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