Hey guys! Hope everything is getting warmer back in the states, haha. Last weekend Dave and I had a fantastic time with good company on an island close to Yeosu called Sado. We went out to the island to play Survivor with about 20 other Yeosu friends and 20 friends from a different city called Daegu. One of the foreigners Rich whom we are good friends with planned the whole weekend. We took a ferry to Sado at about 1130 am Saturyda and arrived at Sado about 1230. Some of the foreigners were going to camp out, while others (Dave and myself) were going to share a MinBak. A MinBak is like a really really cheap hotel room. Basically you are given a room/bathroom/kitchenette to sleep in. Our Min Bak Slept about 12 foreigners (I think it was only meant for like 4, haha). It was a cozy Saturday night to say the least. After throwing our gear in the MinBak it was time to randomly pick from a hat teams for Survivor. There were three teams of 12 people. Dave was on a team with mostly guys (it looked like a basketball team). My team was mostly girls (only 3 boys), so a lot of people seemed skeptical of how well our team would do. We decided to call my team “testrogen.”

The first challenge was a ton of fun. We had about 1 hour to search for 60 items on a scavenger hunt list. Some of the items on the list were easy, find empty soju bottle, driftwood with rusty nail, but some of the things were a little more risky like running naked into the water, haha. Overall our team tied with Dave’s team for finding 38 items. We settled the tie with a simple Rock Papers Scissors game which luckily our team won! Dave’s team had to vote off a person and they decided to vote off their captain Jen who is my best friend : ( I think they regretted that decision later on throughout the game. Our team got immunity and respect from the other teams, game time is on!

Throughout the day there were activities like sack races, wheel barrow races, three legged races, tug of war (which we obviously lost but held our own), and target throwing. Pretty simple and fun stuff. Our team kicked ASS and we won the majority of the challenges which meant the other teams were voting off their players left and right. Since one of the teams was down to 4 players, they merged with the remaining two teams. After the reorganization of teams Dave’s team stabbed him in the back by voting him off and keeping the new players! Dave was one of 2 Yeosu people on that team so I think they were trying to get rid of Yeosu people and keep the Daegu’s strong. After a much needed dinner, we went back to the games, byt this time it was about 8 pm at night. Team testrogen (mostly Yeosu peeps) was still going strong against the team that voted off Dave. After a couple more games we were down to the final 12 which meant no more teams, it was on an individual basis. I was in the top 12! The second to the last challenge consisted of 8 people (Which I was in!) and you had to boil water. We were split into 4 teams of 2 and whosever team boiled water first got to go to the finals. Unfortunately Hugo and I couldn’t boil our water fast enough. We had a good fire going, but we didn’t account for the water being so shallow, so instead of quickly starting a fire we spent more time getting wood and other materials to keep a long lasting fire which in the long run hurt us. So you could say I made it to the semi-finals. Everyone had a chance to vote for the two final people, and Dan won. They gave speeches and everything, it was really fun. That night we just hung out by the bonfire, played music, drank, and had a good time.

The next day a lot of the people left by like 1. Dave, me, Rich, Shannon, Tara, and Steven all stayed till about 430 hanging out on the beautiful beach. The beach was an isthmus with a lagoon on either side. It was perfect weather and beautiful scenery. I felt like I was on vacation! For lunch we decided to get the freshest things available, octopus and fish! We ate live octopus again on the island right in front of the beach, it was awesome.

Dave and I both want to go back to Sado again soon for another relaxing weekend. I think I am really going to miss the beach and this beautiful weather here. You just can’t beat it! But we are both really excited because we have less than 2 months left! Our boss has already asked us which days we want to leave and it looks like we will be leaving somewhere between July 30 - August 1! It is so exciting and sad leaving a place that we have grown to know as our home.